Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Day #5 - The fire is out...

Day #5 - The fire is out...

A day like this would come, sooner or later... I had absolutely no time to shoot today so, some minutes ago, when I finally had time to grab the camera, I couldn't get away from the sofa next to the fireplace. And here it is: an absolutely amazing photo of the fireplace :p! There will be a lot of days like this during the project but better days will come and, hopefully, better pictures too. Only 360 days left. :D


  1. you took so long to take the picture that the fire extinguished... :D

  2. get up and go get more wood.

  3. I'm sure we will have many days that will feel like a cop-out. But that's okay! The point is that we keep it up and work towards improving!

  4. love the still burning embers! lazy days are fun. let's keep it up, the project is almost over, isn't it? :)

  5. Samantha: Yes! It's almost over! Only 359 days to go! :D I thing we can do it! :D

  6. Next time put some paper in the fire, maybe you a get a funny picture... just a suggestion! Don't give up... only 359 days left :)
